Tuesday, March 15, 2016

SOTW Volume 1 chapters 1-21 lap book review

Wow look at that. We did 20 chapters and I didn't even post an update. Life got a bit busy and I forgot. My children have had a lot of fun getting together with our friends and learning about the ancient world!

So you want to make your own Story of the World lap book for volume 1? You can find it here: http://brendajohnston.blogspot.com/p/blog-page_11.html This lovely woman saved the pdf from the person who made it then disappeared from the internet. She even has gone on to make lap books for the other volumes. I can not express how exited I am to finish volume one so we can moved on and use the lap books Brenda has put together.

Saturday, January 2, 2016

Hello New Year!

It is time once again to drag one's self from the clutches of the Holiday Blues.

There was such purpose over the holidays. Now it is boring old January. It is a time to spend refocusing energies on the goals of the new year. What do I want to accomplish? How do I want to live my life?

It is also a midway point in the school year. Out with what isn't working and a time to start new projects and refocus on fine tuning of skills.

Take a deep breath. Out with old toxic friendships and time to all myself a rebirth in this beautiful new year.