Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Dreams of ghosts

Last night I had a dream. Aunt Connie and Uncle Ethan came to my grandma's house. Connie is her sister. I was walking around showing them all the things I had done and got a bit weepy with the things I have not finished. Aunt Connie told me it was ok and gave me a hug. Uncle Ethan talked to me and we came up with a plan then got to work to make grandma's house safer and better. The problem is that Ethan died before grandpa did. I have dreamed of grandpa healthy and full of spunk. I guess it is part of the grieving process. I am so busy juggling all the things during the day that I guess the feelings are getting built up. It's ok. The dreams have been beautiful. It has been so nice to visit with these lovely men. I miss my grandpa so much.